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How to Get Clients for Private Duty Home Care

Whether you are just starting your home care business or looking to expand your existing business, gaining clients is an important key to success. You likely know this but might be uncertain of how to get clients and where to even begin.

In this article, you'll find tips and strategies to help you tackle this challenge.

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How to get clients for private duty home care

‌Learning how to get clients for private duty home care is as simple as following these ten tips.

1. Create a strategy

‌It's imperative that you have a strategy for marketing. Otherwise, any move you make will be a shot in the dark. It's similar to shooting an arrow blindfolded with no idea where the target is located.

This may lead to some growth, but it more often leads to a lot of hard work going to waste. When you take the time to create a clearly defined strategy, however, you can take a much more targeted approach.

You need to be clear, first and foremost, on who you want to target. From that, you can research to determine the types of marketing materials you need and where you need to focus your efforts.

By planning each step as much as possible, you take out a lot of the guesswork and aim your arrows in the right direction.

2. Provide great care

‌All of your marketing efforts will be for nothing if you do not provide great care to patients. Word of mouth always has and always will be one of the best ways to make or break a business.

From the first point of contact to every subsequent interaction with your clients, you should treat them with the best care possible. This means that you will need to spend a good amount of time recruiting, hiring, and onboarding your employees. Ensure that they are prepared to provide the level and quality of care that you require.

It can also be an effective method to start a recognition program for your caregivers. A recognition program will reward those who are meeting your standards and motivate others to do the same.

3. Professional referrals

‌Referrals are one of the most effective and most budget-friendly ways to build your client base. As stated above, word of mouth from current and previous clients is an incredible home health referral avenue. However, you also want to gain professional referrals when possible. There are a few great ways to do this.

One of the best ways is to cultivate relationships with doctors' offices in your area. As you are learning how to get clients for private duty home care, be sure not to overdo it. Start with one or two offices, as the idea is to allow them to get to know you as someone that will care for your patients. If they believe that you will do that, they will recommend you to others.

After connecting with doctors' offices, provide them with brochures to pass on to their patients. Offer your brochures to hospitals so that nurses can add them to discharge papers. Hospice care agencies can also share your brochures when a patient can benefit from your services.

4. Volunteer

How to Get Clients For Private Duty Home Care -- Volunteer -- Volunteers cleaning up trash in a park
When you and your employees volunteer, it lets your potential clients know that you not only care about your business but that you care about the community as well.

‌Giving back to your local community can go a long way in getting your name out and building trust. Consider activities such as the following:

  • Spending time helping out at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen
  • Holding a clothing drive or Christmas toy drive for needy families
  • Organizing a blood drive
  • Hosting a school supplies drive or another fundraiser for a school
  • Organizing a park or beach clean-up, depending on where you live

Any activity you can do that helps others and puts you in front of your local market is a great idea. Consider having T-shirts made, to wear and hand out at these events, as well.

If you need help choosing a cause, connect with local schools, churches, food banks, and other organizations to determine the greatest need.

5. Sponsor events

‌On a similar note, you can sponsor different types of events. For example, senior foot races or continuing education classes are great places to get in front of your target market.

While senior events should be a priority, don't overlook other events. Even if seniors are not present, their children and grandchildren are. Therefore, sponsoring events for younger age groups can still plant your company's name in the right people's minds.

6. Speaking engagements

‌Consider speaking about health and aging topics at senior centers, retirement communities, assisted living facilities, and churches. Event Marketing, like speaking engagements, gives you the opportunity to educate your market, put a friendly face to your company name, and give the audience a sense of the care they would receive from you.

7. Partner with other businesses

‌An excellent way to get new clients is to partner with other companies. The idea is to reciprocate referrals. When they come across someone who can benefit from your services, they refer that person to you. You do the same when you find someone who can benefit from their business.

While this can be a very effective method, it must be done with the utmost care. Every time you refer someone, your reputation is on the line. If that person or business does not meet expectations, your reputation takes a hit.

On the other hand, if that business does a great job, your reputation benefits. The same is true for your referral partners. Your company's performance impacts their reputation.

Due to the risk to your company's image, it is crucial that you be selective when choosing referral partners. Do some research on that company first to ensure that they do provide quality services.

8. Delegate and outsource

‌Building a business, earning a great reputation, and gaining clients require that you wear many hats. Even if you are great at handling each of these things, it can be a challenge to manage them all well and at the same time.

The best thing you can do for your business, your employees, your clients, and yourself is to learn to delegate and outsource some of the responsibility. Choose where you need to focus your energy, and then let others focus on the rest.

Start by determining what your current employees can take on. You do not want to take anyone's focus away from your clients, so ensure that any task you delegate does not interfere with those duties.

Provide any necessary training and set proper expectations and goals for each task. Then, you can oversee the progress without taking your focus away from other essential duties.

Some tasks, such as lead generation or appointment setting, can be outsourced to quality companies.

9. Be active online

‌You are probably aiming to target your local senior market, but you must remember that at least a portion of your market may not be local. For example, potential patients may live nearby, but their family members might be across the country.

If a family member is looking for care for their loved one and lives elsewhere, they can only go by what they see online. Even if the potential patient mentions your company name, the family will want to research you before making any decisions.

This is why it is essential to be active online. By having a website and social media accounts, you make your company information accessible to family members all around the world.

Additionally, gathering email addresses on your website and social accounts opens another marketing door. You can send out email marketing campaigns that help bring in even more business.

Managing your online presence and email marketing can be time-consuming, so it's important that this be a task you either delegate to others or obtain the tools for. There are email marketing tools like ConstantContact that can make your email campaigns much easier.

You can also choose from several automated social media schedulers or companies to help build your business.

10. Track your efforts

‌Set up a tracking system to help you determine where each potential patient is coming from. By connecting your different marketing strategies, such as your website or social media accounts, you can generate marketing reports that provide details about which marking campaigns brought in the most patients. These insights will allow you to focus on the marketing efforts that are bringing in the most customers and target even more potential clients.

Use these strategies to grow your home health care business

‌No matter where you are in your business journey, knowing how to get clients for private duty home care is invaluable. By defining your strategy, putting your name in front of your target market, being involved in the community, cultivating relationships, and providing quality care, you can achieve incredible growth results.

How to Get Clients for Private Duty Home Care
